Our Customer Support and Response & Repair teams are experiencing high demand following Storm Éowyn

At a Glance

We are responsible for the maintenance and many of the repairs to your property, however you also have a responsibility to maintain your property in a reasonable condition and attempt to repair minor faults yourself.

Radius Housing’s Response Maintenance team provides 24 hour service through our contracted repair provider. Depending on the urgency of any issue, repairs will be made between 24 hours and 20 days.

Radius Housing Repairs

Repair Types

We carry out general, cyclical and major repairs and maintenance to Radius properties, ensuring they remain in good condition. We can also provide minor disability aids and adaptations for tenants, based on the advice of their Occupational Therapist.


Reporting a repair can be done in one of three ways.

  • Completing an online Repair Request
  • Through your Scheme Coordinator
  • By contacting Radius's Offices directly during office hours

In an emergency or outside office hours, you can contact Telecare's 24 hour response centre on 0330 123 0888

Radius Housing Repairs

Report Your Repair Now

Your Tenant Handbook advises which repairs will be covered by Radius Housing and which are your responsibility as a tenant. Recharges will be incurred if a tenant logs a works order which is deemed to be the tenant’s own responsibility, or repairs are required due to damage, neglect or abuse of property.
