Area Panel Meetings: Dates for the Diary

Please see below the dates for the 2025 Area Panel Meetings (subject to change).

At present, our meetings are currently hybrid, held in the Holywood Boardroom and also via Microsoft Teams.

  • Thursday 23rd January
  • Thursday 24th April
  • Thursday 24th July
  • Thursday 23rd October

All meetings start at 11am and should last no longer that 1hr 30 minutes.

At Radius, we strive to maximise opportunities for tenant involvement as you are helping to shape the service that you and your fellow tenants receive.

In advance of an Area Panel meeting, you will receive an Easy Read Scorecard for our Communities and Asset Management departments showing the targets we strive to achieve and our results. The Communities and Asset Management Team will be in attendance at each meeting to answer any queries.

If you would like more information on how to become involved in Tenant Engagement or how to become an Area Panel Member, please contact the Tenant Engagement Team:

Area Panel Meetings
