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Tenant Transfer & Exchanges

Tenant Transfers and Exchanges 

Radius tenants can request to transfer or exchange their property for alternative housing. 


If you are already a tenant of Radius and you want to move to another social housing property, you can apply for a transfer. To apply for a transfer you will need to complete a Housing/Transfer Application Form. 

Use the Submit an Enquiry form if you need help applying for a transfer.

We will then assess your housing needs and place you on the social housing waiting list for a transfer to alternative accommodation owned by us, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive or another registered housing association within your area of choice. 

 Your request for a transfer won't normally be considered if: 

  • you have been living in your home for less than two years 
  • you have rent arrears of four weeks or more
  • your home is in a bad state of repair, or we have charged you for repairs
  • you are guilty of a serious breach of your tenancy conditions.


    As a social housing tenant you can arrange a swap with another social housing tenant. This is called a 'mutual exchange'. You may find a mutual exchange useful if: 

  • you need a smaller or larger home 
  • you are interested in moving to a new area you like, to find a more suitable home
  • you don't want to wait for a long time for a transfer.

    You must get permission to exchange your tenancy. Although we will not ordinarily refuse you permission, there are some circumstances in which we may not be able to agree to an exchange: 

  • You owe us rent.
  • Your proposed new property is too small or too large for your household.
  • Your current property has been adapted or is part of a sheltered scheme and the new tenant has no need for this type of accommodation.
  • Your home is subject to a court order for possession.
  • You have carried out improvements/alterations without our consent.

Arranging an Exchange 

You can also register to swap online at www.HomeSwapper.co.uk. This is free for our tenants and for most housing association tenants in Northern Ireland. 

You may find potential home swaps by word of mouth, advertising in newspapers or online, or postcards in shop windows.

You must get our permission before you exchange your home. If you find a suitable swap you should contact us to register for a mutual exchange. You must also complete a Housing/Transfer Application Form.  

We will then: 

  • inspect both homes before approving the exchange 
  • approve the request unless there is good reason not to
  • send our decision in writing, to you and the other tenant, within 42 days of your request 
  • where we approve the exchange both tenants must sign a form to complete the tenancy assignment.

Precautions – Social Sector Size Criteria (SSSC)

If you currently receive either Housing Benefit or the Housing Cost element of Universal Credit, and you are under-occupying your home by one bedroom or more according to the benefit bedroom criteria, you may be affected by the Social Sector Size Criteria (SSSC). If you are affected by SSSC, you may already be receiving a mitigation payment known as Welfare Supplementary Payment.

If you choose to transfer or exchange your home, and you decide to move to another social sector house and do not reduce your level of under-occupation, you may lose this payment. It is important to check with your landlord and get advice before you move, as once this Welfare Supplementary Payment is lost, it is lost for good. 
