Our Customer Support and Response & Repair teams are experiencing high demand following Storm Éowyn
In the interests of all our residents, to comply with Government and PHA guidance on social distancing and social isolation and to reduce the risk of spreading the virus we have reviewed our housing support service delivered at our sheltered housing schemes across Northern Ireland.
We are concentrating on providing the essential elements of the service as follows:
-Keeping schemes clean, by ensuring that either through direct employed domestic staff or contract cleaners that all schemes are appropriately cleaned.
-Keeping schemes safe by continuing to carry out all essential Health and Safety checks. These checks are carried out by our scheme coordinators and in any location where the coordinator is absent for any reason, we have arrangements in place for contractors to carry out these tests.
-Maintaining our housing support service by telephone, which includes our morning calls. We are also contacting those tenants who do not receive a morning call via a courtesy call and asking them if they would like to receive calls throughout this period. We have greatly increased the number of morning calls and courtesy calls we are making through the use of our coordinator, Connect 24 and office based staff who are currently working from home.
-We have ceased all communal aspects of the sheltered service to reduce the need for any face to face contact.
-We have asked our residents to restrict their visitors and only have essential visits to the scheme.
- Residents can continue to use the communal laundry and bin stores. They should however follow the guidance on social distancing and tenants have been advised to operate one in one out in the communal laundry rooms.
-We have suspended having any new people moving into our sheltered schemes to reduce the movement of people in and out of the schemes and to minimise risk of infection.
-The deliveries of groceries, medication and other essential items are still permitted and a sign has been erected at the door of each scheme to advise delivery personnel of this.
Sainsbury's is open exclusivly for the elderly for the first hour on Thursdays.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am- 10am (except Express stores)
Friday- from store opening to close
Monday and Thursday - the first hour of store opening.
The first hour of opening, every day
Monday to Saturday 9am- 10am