Rent Arrears Case Study

Welfare Advice


Email request sent from Income Officer for a joint home visit to carry out a Benefit Entitlement Check (BEC) for a tenant who was in rent arrears of £2,400 and their Housing Benefit is suspended awaiting clarification of income details. 

A cold call was arranged for 1st August due to difficulties to reach the tenant. Tenant was in bed following a 3 week hospital admission, discharged a day before our visit. Neighbours came over during the visit stating that the fridge is empty, and tenant has no food. McMillan Support team were due to arrive in the afternoon to provide further care and assistance. 

Benefit Entitlement Check: Single tenant, who reached retirement age 66 on 5th April, 2-bedroom accommodation, commenced in July 23. Tenant in receipt of Personal Independence Payment, Employment and Support Allowance ceased due to reaching retirement age. Tenant is not sure if they are in receipt of the state pension. HB suspended - seeking income and savings details. 


Called Pension Credit to confirm benefits and income: State Retirement Pension not issued, claimant has two small private pensions, Personal Independence Payment Standard Daily Living and Enhanced Mobility. 

- Call to State Retirement Pension to make a claim.
Claimant has entitlement to full SRP of £203.85 per week, also a back payment of £3,499 issued. 

- Tenant unable to provide financial details regarding HB request.
Tenant states he doesn't do online banking and is unable to go there due to ill health thus unable to provide bank statements or income details. Made a call to the bank to obtain last statement via post and claimant states this is his only income. Online banking changed to postal statement at claimant’s request. 

- HB updated about claimant’s income. 

- Carried out Pension Credit calculation – no entitlement as tenant’s income is over the threshold. 

- RTSF Tesco voucher value of £49 issued to ease financial crisis - sent to neighbour’s mobile phone (neighbour who was present during the visit agreed to provide further support). 


- Tenancy Sustainment and prevention of potential eviction 

- HB Underpayment received by Radius of £1,933 

- Ongoing HB £510.20 4 weekly, leaving a shortfall of £8.43 per week. 

- State Retirement Pension back payment of £3,499. 

- Ongoing SRP (cyclical) additional payment of £883.35 per month 

- Total Income Maximisation £22,665 per annum. 

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