Our Customer Support and Response & Repair teams are experiencing high demand following Storm Éowyn
Knock Eden's innovative design provides a domestic environment of which the scale, planning, and lighting promotes a sense of comfort and security.
The scheme contains four 4-bedroom bungalows which are linked through the creative use of communal space and facilities. The communal area incorporates a lounge, laundry, kitchen facilities, therapeutic centre, activity room and an innovative multi-sensory room. Each bungalow is self-contained, secure and equipped to a high internal specification which embraces the very latest in assistive technologies.
Each bungalow has 4 bedrooms with en-suite facility, a communal lounge area and a domestic style kitchen.
Enquire about this PropertyThe Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) is responsible for carrying out the housing assessments. To apply, you will need to fill in a short application form and return it to the Housing Executive office closest to your current address.
You can request an
application form from us by ringing 0330 123 0888, or, if you prefer, you can
download and print the form by clicking here. You can also visit the NIHE website for further information.
You will only need one application form to apply to any of the social housing providers in your area. Please take time to read the notes on the application form. If you need assistance to fill in the form, one of Radius Housing Officers will be pleased to help you.
Alternatively, you can ring the NIHE directly on 0344 892 0900 and they will take all your details on the phone so that you don’t need to complete an application form.
When your application form is received, or you contact the NIHE directly, they will assess your housing needs and you will get points awarded to reflect your accommodation needs.
Your name will then be placed on the common waiting list for the schemes or area of your choice. When a vacancy becomes available, it is allocated to the person on the waiting list with the greatest need at the time.
Get in touch with us today for further help and support.
If you are currently a Radius tenant you can apply to us if you wish to transfer from your current accommodation.
Tenants of other social landlords, the NIHE or other Housing Associations can also apply for a transfer via their existing landlord.
All providers follow the same rules on allocations and transfers as the NIHE.
Knock Eden provides 24 hour Support and Care for all our tenants. The ethos of Knock Eden is to encourage and support tenants to actively engage and participate in community living and this can include making appointments and accompanying tenants to the hairdresser, dentists, chiropodists and other allied professionals, and attending social events.
We believe in providing a well-balanced diet using fresh and seasonal ingredients. Prior to a Tenant moving in, we will sit down with them and their carer to discuss their dietary requirements, including any specially prescribed diet. The catering services are inspected by local Environmental Health Services ensuring full compliance with Safe Catering Guidelines.
All our meals are freshly cooked onsite at the scheme. All menu plans are displayed in each of the dining rooms in the Bungalows and on the Tenant noticeboards.
Meals are generally served in each tenant's bungalow and tenants are supported to make their own snacks. Radius Housing does recognise the importance of active participation in the community and tenants are provided with opportunities to eat out at local restaurants and cafes if they choose to do so.
An active lifestyle can make a huge difference to the tenants. Our staff arrange a daily programme of activities that are based on an individual assessment of need and preferences aimed at enhancing quality of life.
Tenants are encouraged and supported to take part in the activities of daily living such as help with making a cup of tea, and help with folding laundry. In addition Therapeutic workshops include arts and crafts are available and specialist interventions provided by Health & Social Care Trust specialists, such as speech and language therapy are also provided. We also organise parties, barbecues, and cinema nights and family members are always welcome to visit and participate in these activities.
Opportunities for social interaction outside the scheme are considerable and tenants have the opportunity to go on holiday, out for lunch, shopping, to shows, horse riding and other outside activities. Knock Eden has access to transport and local taxis to transport tenants to and from these outings.
Accommodation includes 24 hour support and care, a full and varied activity programme, a full meals service, heating, electricity, maintenance and laundry services.
There are a number of ways to apply:
Contact the Scheme Manager
Contact the N Ireland Housing Executive - Craigavon (Portadown) District Office
Contact your Local Community Learning Disability Team