Grahamsbridge Manor

Grahamsbridge Manor, Grahamsbridge Road, Dundonald, Ballybeen, County Down, BT16 2QZ

Properties to rent
Apartments for older people

Grahamsbridge Manor

Category 2 - Over 55's

Accommodation comprises of 1 and 2 bedroomed self-contained flats with associated communal facilities which include tenants’ lounge and kitchen, assisted bathroom, hobbies room, hairdressing room and laundry facilities. There is a Scheme Co-ordinator on site and Radius Connect 24 cover evenings and weekends.
Enquire about this Property

Contact Details

Housing Officer
Orlagh Curran
Call us now on:
0330 1230888
Scheme Co-Ordinator
Lynn Mercer
Call us now on:
028 9048 1639