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University of Ulster Housing Conference to be held at Helm

22 Feb 2016

University of Ulster Housing Management students are holding their annual Housing Conference at Helm Housing.

The event, taking place on March 24th, will promote discussion among key stakeholders with an interest in housing development. It will focus on the need for innovative and timely solutions for enhancing supply, creating mixed communities, encouraging greater collaboration between the public, private and independent housing association sectors and raising the profile of housing in advance of the forthcoming elections. The conference will be of interest to all types of housing developers, housing and planning professionals, board members of housing organisations, contractors, councillors and local government officials, MLAs, policy makers, lenders, social enterprises and third sector organisations.For more information, including a booking form, download the brochure hereFor more information on Helm Housing''s conference facilities, email office@helmhousing.org or call (028) 9032 0485. '

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