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Newly Elected NI MPs

08 May 2015

You can find the full details for the votes cast in each area at The Electoral Office of Northern Ireland

Contact details for your MP, including constituency office, can be found at www.parliament.uk.Just enter your postcode.

NI MPs Party  Constituency 
Alasdair McDonnell MP MLA SDLP  Belfast South 
Margaret Ritchie MP SDLP  South Down
Mark Durkan MP  SDLP  Foyle 
Pat DohertyMP Sinn Féin  West Tyrone
Francie Molloy MP Sinn Féi­n  Mid Ulster
Paul Maskey MP Sinn Fein Belfast West
Mickey Brady MP Sinn Fein Newry and Armagh
Jeffrey Donaldson MP DUP Lagan Valley

Ian Paisley Junior MP

DUP North Antrim 
Jim Shannon MP DUP Strangford
Nigel Dodds MP DUP Belfast North
David Simpson MP DUP Upper Bann
Sammy Wilson MP MLA DUP East Antrim
Gavin Robinson MP DUP Belfast East
Gregory Campbell MP MLA DUP East Londonderry
Sylvia Hermon MP Independent North Down
Danny Kinahan MP MLA UUP South Antrim
Tom Elliott MP UUP Fermanagh and South Tyrone