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Radius Housing

New homes planned as part of the regeneration of the former St Patrick’s Barracks site, Ballymena

22 Jun 2020

Radius Housing is preparing to commence a consultation process for the creation of a new social and affordable housing development at the former St. Patrick's Barracks site in Ballymena.

Press release - 22nd June 2020

Radius Housing is proposing the creation of approximately 140 new homes on the site; along with associated roads infrastructure, landscaping, children's play park and other ancillary works.

The housing led regeneration of the former St Patrick’s Barracks site is being taken forward by the Department for Communities, with Radius Housing leading with the housing element which forms a key part of the wider St Patrick’s Barracks masterplan. The scheme is part of the NI Executive’s draft Programme for Government Shared Housing Programme ‘Housing for All’. 

The housing phase of the regeneration marks an investment of approximately £20million, 50% of which is funded by the Department for Communities and 50% through private finance raised by Radius.

Speaking about the project, Anita Conway, Director of Development at Radius Housing, said “Radius Housing is delighted to be involved in this large housing led strategic project which we believe will positively benefit the Ballymena community and beyond. We are pleased that recently introduced regulations will allow major planning applications to be progressed and determined during the COVID-19 pandemic and are embracing a new online digital consultation process for our exciting rejuvenation proposals.”

Communities Minister Carál Ni Chulín said: “We are aiming with the regeneration of the former St Patrick’s Barracks site in Ballymena to create a place which is truly people-orientated and can generate economic and social benefits for the wider area. The creation of new social and affordable homes is a significant and key part of our plans. I would encourage everyone to give their views on the proposed plans. By creating homes where people are able to thrive we will breathe new life into the area for the benefit of everyone.”

The on-line consultation will be launched in the coming weeks via a dedicated website, details of this will be made available to the public through the local press and leaflet distribution. Following the completion of the consultation process Radius hope to submit a full planning application in late summer 2020.

This is the latest development project for Radius Housing, a leading housing association which manages more than 13,000 homes in Northern Ireland and aims to construct more than 400 new social and affordable homes every year. Radius recently secured a private finance investment of £105m, which will support these ambitious plans to deliver new homes and communities across Northern Ireland.

On the overall masterplan for the regeneration of the former St Patrick’s Barrack’s site, the Department for Communities and Radius Housing are collaboratively working across many parties including the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Northern Regional College, Department for Infrastructure, PSNI and Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.


Further info:

Brendan Scott

MW Advocate



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