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Radius Housing

CSE Inspection Success for Fold

28 Jun 2016

We have recently had our CSE inspection and are delighted to report we have excelled on last year by achieving 11 compliance plus, 45 compliant and 1 partial compliance. In 2015, we had 8 compliance plus, 48 areas of compliance and 1 partial compliance.

CSE is a Government led standard which was launched in 2008, building on the legacy of Charter Mark. It is a framework that supports organisations to improve customer service – exploring areas such as service delivery, professionalism, customer insight and the robust measurement of service satisfaction.

A requirement of the standard is a programme of continual annual reassessment where a third of the 57 measures of evidence are reassessed against a set criterion.

The assessor spoke to many staff, residents/tenants etc. and was greatly impressed by the dedication of staff

Fold Senior Mangement Team would like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication and special thank you to the cross directorate team on their work on this standard.

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